Keeping Holidays Happy

By npalazzo — December 20, 2012

With so much going on during the holidays, many people become over whelmed with stress. Unfortunately this can cause more Grinch’s to appear during this season.  Remember the holidays should be fun and enjoyable. Here are some tips to get you through yours, while enjoying as much of it as possible.

1. Plan ahead: Be sure to know who you are going to visit and when. If you celebrate Christmas you may not be able to see everyone on that day. So plan to drop by a day or two before, or even a day later.  The less people and travel you plan on doing one day, the easier it will be on you.

2. Perfection Not Required: Whether you are looking for the perfect gift to give or host a great meal, expect some hiccups. Wrong size sweater, burned the gravy, or a guest had one too many glasses of wine. The holidays are about making fun memories, so let these little things slide. Best way to do it is laugh it off, remember smiles are contagious.

3. Wind Down: Try some yoga, meditation or take a warm bath for you (and perhaps your partner too) after a long day of visiting family. Be sure to wind down at night before actually heading to bed, it will allow your mind to clear itself from any stresses you may have faced during the day.

4. Dress up: When we dress up and think that we look good, we often feel good. Get out of those everyday jeans and frumpy sweater. Where something that makes you feel sexy, hot or beautiful. Play with your makeup, or just do something new with your hair. Remember sexy doesn’t mean having to show skin. Not sure what looks good, ask a fashionista working in the mall to help you find a great new outfit to wear on the busiest day.

5. Sexy Time: Exercise is always a key way to managing stress, but why to involve your partner too. It’s okay to be a little naughty during the holidays. So be sure to include some bedroom fun. I’m sure after all the excitement of the holidays for those with young ones, they may find themselves asleep quickly.  Skip the T.V., forget your work emails and go have your fun.

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