Beat the Blues: Top 5 Sexiest Workouts

By npalazzo — September 28, 2012

With changing of seasons from warm to cold, many of us become a bit less active and start fighting the winter blues, a common disorder which affects many people- women especially.  A common problem is we put on some extra weight often making us feel less attractive, lower energy and overall unhappy with ourselves. In turn this can affect our relationships drastically- we start to pull away, cover up and avoid bed room fun.

So what exercises can you do to beat the blues this winter? We think that these options are fantastic ideas to keep you active, healthy and feel sexier this winter time. We are sure your partner will appreciate some of the moves you learn too!

1.Salsa Dancing

Not only does this dance allow you to burn over 200 calories in just 30 minutes, it makes you move those hips. You will learn how to move your body in a sensual way to Latin music and tone those legs.  This will also give you and your partner a sexier choice of activity to do together.

2.Pole DancingOnce only looked at as an exotic way of dancing, now this is a top fitness work out for women everywhere. This is a total body workout. It forces you to use muscles in the body-including the minor ones not usually used.  Plus with the opportunity to buy a portable pole, you can show off your new moves at home!

3.Belly Dancing

Shakira’s hips don’t lie, and yours won’t either with this dance. Another sensual dance, that focuses on isolated hip movements.  It teaches you how to isolate the muscles in your stomach and buttocks for a sexy toned body, and definitely helps with co-ordination.

4.Bollywood Dancing

A fast, upbeat dance that is a huge cardio workout- definitely a top choice of dance for those wanting to burn a sweat. This dance is a great way to kick start your metabolism and gets your heart rate going. Did I also mention that it will give you thighs to die for from all the leg work done?!

5.Burlesque Dancing

Christina Aquilera showed us how sexy this can be in the movie Burlesque and now women can learn the art of this “strip tease” dance as a way to keep fit. Not only must you learn balance and co-ordination, it also teaches women to unleash their inner goddess.  This also gives every woman the excuse to buy and wear that sexy piece of lingerie they always wanted.

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